Muniyal Ayurveda


"Yoga & Meditation Candles"

Rs. 350.00
  • Best Ayurveda candles for Mood elevator and mindfulness
  • Best Ayurveda candles for Mood elevator and mindfulness

Muniyal Ayurveda


"Yoga & Meditation Candles"

Rs. 350.00
  • Regular use of Muniprajnaa candles enhances the effects of Yoga and Meditation.
  • It is a Mood elevator and promotes Mindfulness. The volatile principles emitted from these candles are uplifting, refreshing and revitalizing to the mind and body and helps relieve symptoms of stress, depression, fatigue, jet-lag, nervous exhaustion.
  • It helps to achieve mental clarity and clears headaches.
  • The aromatic principles emitted have tranquilizing and anxiolytic action on the mind.
  • The vapors liberated, carry oxygen and other nutrients to the cells.
  • These candles are specially designed incorporating the essential oils and other volatile fractions of the natural organic herbs present in the patented poly-herbal formulation MUNIPRAJNAA.